Applied Learning and Research on Healthful Aging
The Center for Excellence in Aging and Health (CEAH) was conceived in 2017 and launched in 2018 with the hire of Founding Director Tom Meuser, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and gerontologist with New England roots (retired as of June 2024). The CEAH is a university-wide center focused on engaging faculty and students in applied learning, service, and research on healthful aging. Advancing UNE’s identity as an Age Friendly University and promoting intergenerational engagement are top priorities.
Supporting UNE’s Strategic Priorities
Focused Research and Scholarship
The Legacy Scholars Program (LSP) invites adults, aged 55 years and older, to join with UNE faculty, professional staff, and students in shared scholarship on healthful aging. Scholars (n = 700 and growing) contribute to a robust, longitudinal data clearinghouse through annual surveys, and they give generously of their time and talents in support of approved research by UNE-based and outside investigators. Important research partners include the UNE Center for Excellence in Public Health and the MDI Biological Laboratory. Learn more about current and past projects in our research archive.
Exceptional Teaching and Learning
The CEAH offers a variety of educational programs online and in-person for the UNE family, our scholars, and other friends. Many such offers are made possible through key internal (e.g., UNE Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice) and external partners (e.g., Alzheimer’s Association).
Engagement with Local, Regional, and Global Partners
Dr. Meuser likes to say: “the best way to teach students about aging is by linking them personally with older adults.” Such engagement is possible online as much as in-person in the age of Zoom. Locally, the CEAH supports student service-learning and intergenerational engagement through the UNE Wellness Center at Westbrook Housing, an affordable housing provider for 650+ older adults near to our Portland Campus for the Health Sciences. This local partnership provides innumerable opportunities for students of all types to practice their professional skills and serve others at the same time. Other important partners in senior housing include Housing Initiatives of New England, The Park Danforth, and The Pines.
Interested in connecting with or collaborating with the CEAH? Contact Mike Sheldon, Ph.D., at